
These are real words by real customers, no fake 5-stars reviews here. Feel free to contact any of them to have confirmation of their experience with us. They all place a backlink in their site’s footer to give us credit. You can consider it as an additional, easy-to-check proof of authenticity of these testimonials.

Massimo helped us to completely revamp our three company websites. I am impressed with his level of attention to detail, and all the recommendations that he has made for efficiency, saving money, and optimizing systems. I highly recommend Massimo to anyone who is looking to optimize their website for speed and UX.

Celina Benke

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An ecommerce like ours, with more than 5000 articles and high quality photos, was going to be slower and slower. Then in 2020 we tried Speedable’s optimization service. We are now positioned on Google much better than many competitors, and can just focus on sales.

Ermanno Caputo

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Speed optimization and user experience have been my priorities since the start. I met Massimo Villa online on a Facebook group focusing on web speed and performance. Massimo’s work made my dreams come true. I recommend him to anyone who owns a website, he is worthwhile.

Josue Ardon

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Massimo helped get my company’s main site in great shape, solving problems that had been piled upon each other for way too long. He was very professional to work with, and had great ideas for the needed improvements. Highly recommended. [Dev note: the hero image on Home is mentioned in one of our articles]

carolyn banfalvi

Carolyn Bánfalvi

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A top-notch website is essential for my business as an international chef. I have been looking for someone who makes it good looking and efficient. After a few missteps, I found Speedable. I recommend them to anyone who wants high-quality and long-lasting results.

Nicolino Lalla

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Keeping an international ecommerce in a good shape is challenging. We handle high quality images, multiple currencies, wishlist management, cart & checkout customization. Thanks to Speedable our site is superfast! After the optimization the conversion rate increased significantly.

Gábor Bánfalvi

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A few months ago, we started receiving fewer contacts because the site did not rank well on search engines. Someone adviced us to contact Speedable, and so we did. Finally our business has good visibility on Google and Bing. Anyway, it took them a while to get the job done.

Antonella Galario

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My work as a tax consultant requires a high level of efficiency and maximum visibility. Speedable is an adequate partner, they know their stuff. My website works perfectly and loads super-fast. I surpassed my traditional competitors on Google and Bing also thanks to them. They also help me to keep the content updated.

Giuseppe Pedersoli

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My students are from all around the world, so I need my site to be fast loading in every country, even with slow connections. They made it real: everything is smooth, and visitors are no longer experiencing slowdowns. They will be my reference for any future development.

Gregor Bock

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As a blog-lab about UX and Tech, we know how web performance and Core Web Vitals are important. We had a long-lasting collaboration with Speedable, which became a solid partnership. Now we work together on many projects with customers. What an amazing journey!

Massimo Villa

Test for speed on PSI ➤

If you also want a blazing fast website, ask a free audit.